Dress: Asos Maternity (tall) available in regular here Also comes in black and emerald (A steal at under $40!) Earrings: H&M ($13!!)
Hi Everyone and happy Friday!! Matt I got back from our trip on Tuesday night. It was an incredible vacation and I am so happy we went. I have to say I was a little nervous being so pregnant and traveling but despite the swelling, I was totally fine. Our trip was amazing and it was really special to go away with Matt before baby girl comes. It was kind of a love fest and truly was so special for us. It was good to sort of get away and just be “us” for a few weeks you know what I mean? Anyways, if you followed along on my Instagram and my video stories you saw all the incredible places we went. We were in Sweden first visiting my Dad’s side of the family and then we headed to Dubrovnik, Croatia for a wedding. Matt and I tacked on a couple extra days in Croatia just to relax and chill. What a magical place! These photos were taken at a private villa the couple rented the day after their wedding. The venue and views were unreal. I felt like I was in a movie set! I wore this beautiful dress from Asos and I was so comfortable and felt like it totally fit in with the venue and location. The best part was it was only $40! I will say it is a little see through so I bought maternity spanks to wear underneath.
Anyways, today I am officially 8 months pregnant so I thought I would do another bumpdate!!
How far along are you?
32 weeks! Officially 8 months pregnant!
Due Date:
August 4th
What are your cravings?
I don’t really have any specific cravings, but when I was in Sweden I had a Kanelbulle like three times a day and I swear they have never tasted so good haha! Kanelbulle are a Swedish specialty. They are like a cinnamon role but they are made with cardamum and aren’t as sweet. Just thinking about them right now I am salivating!! I will say I have started to get REALLY hungry now. I am trying to enjoy the last 8 weeks of this pregnancy and eat what I want. I of course am trying to be healthy but if I want a bagel I’m having a bagel hah!
Boy or Girl?
Baby Girl!
What size is the baby?
Baby girl is the size of a winter squash! She is around 17 inches long and weighs around 4 lbs.
How much weight have you gained?
31 lbs so far!
How are you sleeping?
I am still sleeping well but starting to need a lot of support under my belly at night. Thank the lord for my amazing snoogle. If you are pregnant you need this!! I have started to get REALLY tired again though. I have been struggling to stay awake past 9:30 p.m.
Are you feeling the baby kick?
Yep! Baby girl loves to move around inside my belly. Her kicks are getting stronger which is so surreal. It really feels like you have an alien inside your belly ha! I have also started to notice she reacts to certain songs. She really likes the new Despacito song. I play it in the mornings and she kicks around. So cute!
What has been the hardest thing about your pregnancy thus far?
The physical part. The most recent development has been my feet swelling. It started right before our trip. I can’t fit into any of my shoes anymore!! I can wear birkenstocks and a few pairs of sneakers and that’s it! My Mom says she had the same issue and my Dr. says it’s very normal. It’s just so annoying. I also can no longer wear my wedding rings which I hate :(. I also have been suffering from rib pain. My Dr. says it’s because the baby is big and pushing all my organs around. Oh well, only two more months to go!!
What do you miss about before being pregnant?
I miss being comfortable. At this point I am just very uncomfortable all the time.
Thoughts, and extras
I can’t believe my pregnancy is so close to being over. I have a feeling the last 8 weeks are going to drag on though since we are so excited to meet baby girl!